Sunday, August 25, 2019

Solutions To Competition In Business

Solutions to Competition in Business

Are you thinking there are too many books are written on your subject and there is no room for you?

Viewing another writer’s book as better and you can never be a successful writer?

Feeling like you are always behind the curve?

When it comes to writing your book, you must learn how to flip those negativities or use them as stepping stones to propel yourself forward.

Learning to view situations in another light allows you to move ahead into your project instead of being concerned with the competition.

There are simple solutions I am going to outline that will provide you with steps to win every time.

Step #1 Research Your Market

Gather information before you begin writing your book by finding out the questions your audience is asking.  Pinpoint the exact pain points and how your message will provide immediate results.

Keep in mind that your audience have busy lives and are looking for immediate solutions.

If you spend time on the internet the frustration you can experience searching for your right answer can be overwhelming.

As an expert in your field, it is pertinent to develop your resources to deliver a qualified resolution.  Be known as the writer who took time and showed care.

The extra effort goes a long way and just this little step can make a difference in getting your ideal audience to pay attention.

Researching your market is a step that many writers fail to do because they are too concerned with the competition. 

Step #2  Know Your Differences

The market is vast, and no one can be all things to all people.  While you are researching the market do the same for yourself and see what qualities you have to offer.

Concentrate on engaging with your audience.  Engaging with your audience is a good way to break the ice.  There are many tools to help you build a relationship with your audience without being pushy.

As you are considering your book project keep in mind the best methods you will use to get to know your audience.  Have a plan.  The more you know your audience the easier the conversation. 

A conversation comes in many forms.  The more passionate you are with serving your ideal audience to obtain their goals the less you will be concerned with your competition.

Many times, writers find themselves distracted by what is around them and lose focus on their main goal.
As a writer, you have an awesome responsibility to transform the lives of your audience.

Find out what questions are still not being answered by your competition.  The best way to discover this is through your engagement with your ideal audience. 

Step #3  Collaborate

Collaboration is a major key that when used properly will create a dramatic change in your life as well as your competition.

Diversity allows for a wider audience to be reached as both parties combine their resources.  Collaboration offer opportunities to advance in areas faster than if trying to accomplish those projects alone.

Any writer who understands collaboration never worries about the competition instead welcome the challenge of growing to new heights.

When you understand how your competition can be an asset you will look for opportunities to connect.  We all benefit from teamwork and writing a book is no different. 

Turn your writing competition into connections and serve so big the audience that is waiting for your expertise.

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